The TIP | Solo @ $599
The original Together In Practice program was designed to be delivered over a 12-week period, unrolling 2 classes per week, totalling 60-hrs of continuing education. It's a huge time commitment and requires a regimented, calendar-keeping mindset which I acknowledge doesn't work for everyone.
Introducing The TIP | Solo - featuring ALL the same content as the original TIP program, but without the due dates and scheduled TIParties. Chopping off the twice weekly group Zoom discussions whittles the program down to 40-hrs of yoga education, be it for the curious and enthusiastic dedicated practitioner or the yoga teacher seeking to shake things up a bit.
While the majority of the TIP solo journey will be at your own pace and on your own time, I still insist on including opportunities for live interaction. TIP soloists will be required to initiate and participate in 3 1:1 TIParties with me to complete the program and claim their certificate:
Orientation - Welcome, introductions, the lay of the land, questions
Midterm - At the halfway point to check in
The Grand Finale - A final opportunity to connect and discuss questions, findings, revelations, and a review of your last reflection
A MAJOR difference between the TIP Live and the TIP Solo is that soloists will be granted instant access to the entire curriculum as a whole, whereas during the live version, the content gets trickled out week by week.
You are not only encouraged but required to complete the TIP in the order in which it is presented due to the cumulative nature of the program.
Please review the TIP landing page for all details before applying.