Stay tuned...
... for the next live version!
The original Together In Practice program was designed to be delivered over a 12-week period, unrolling 2 classes per week. Students receive a .pdf document, on-demand video practice, reflection worksheet, discussion board, and a 1-hr TIParty on Zoom with classmates to discuss the spotlit style.
Sunday: 2 Topics (styles of study) drop in the Classroom, including:
The Doc (intro, history, resources, playlists, etc)
The Video (unlisted Youtube video ~ averaging 1 hour)
The Reflection + Discussion (Google Form homework assignment + pop a comment or thought into our Google Classroom)
The TIParty (link to our biweekly Zoom meeting)
Wednesday: TIParty #1 @ 12pm EST, discussing the first class of the week
Sunday: TIParty #2 @ 12pm EST, discussing the second class of the week
... the next 2 topics drop! Full program runs 12 weeks in its entirety.
Keeping the group intimate to just 12 participants, registered yoga teachers can log 60-hrs of continuing education upon successful completion.